Photo|Big auto show opens in GBA with nearly a thousand car models

时间:2023-06-19 12:56:34       来源:羊城派

The 2023 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Auto Show and New Energy Automobile Expo kicked off at Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center in Futian District on June 16th and will last till June 24th. Themed "Voyage into the Future", the current grand event for the automotive industry in the GBA has attracted about 200 brands and organizations in the fields of automobile manufacturing, auto parts and technical services, and academic research to participate.

On the opening day, this year"s auto show, covering a total exhibition area of over 150,000 square meters, features approximately a hundred auto brands with a thousand car models in over 50 launch events for new cars and brands. As a "barometer" of the domestic auto market, the auto show also presents new models with intelligent applications by most participating brands and new energy technologies by almost all auto brands, which realized a comprehensive transformation and upgrading of auto brands in new energy and intelligence.


On a unique geographical basis of proximity to Hong Kong and Macau, the Shenzhen show will further deepen the collaboration between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau, where Hong Kong"s innovative elements are gathered to promote innovative achievements. At the same time, two policies, named "Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles" and “Northbound Travel for Macao Vehicles”, help the arrival of auto brands and visitors from Hong Kong and Macao at the "Hong Kong/Macau Cars Going North - Pioneering Exhibition Area" in the current event. The "Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles" policy allows eligible Hong Kong private cars to travel between Hong Kong and Guangdong via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) without the need to obtain regular quotas. While the "Northbound Travel for Macao Vehicles" policy was launched as a control mechanism enabling motor vehicles with only a Macao registration plate to enter mainland China. Many car owners from Hong Kong and Macau drove to the Shenzhen show through a special declaration, presenting the theme of "One Bay, Greater Bay" to show the integration of the GBA cities.

The first city-level unmanned vehicle parade in China also caught the eye at the show, showcasing various application scenarios like Robotaxi. What"s more, shuttle experience services with autonomous driving are available in designated areas or routes.

Shenzhen, as a city with the highest penetration rate of new energy vehicles globally, is undergoing an industry reshaping focused on vehicles with new energy and intelligence.

The 2023 Future Vehicle Pioneers Conference (following referred to as the "conference"), the annual typical summit of the GBA International Auto Show, also opened on June 16th. With the theme of "CoEVO Synchronized Pioneering", the conference eyes on topics such as the commercialization of autonomous driving, intelligent cockpits, power batteries, and industry investment and financing, exploring how to break traditional boundaries for the deep integration of the automotive industry with technology, energy, and smart cities.

Also, over 1,500 media guests participated in discussions, including experts, entrepreneurs, and leaders, who shared their wisdom and insights from different perspectives in the fields of politics, industry, academia, research, and finance.




毗邻港澳是深圳的独特地理优势,本届车展将进一步深化粤港澳三地联动,现场聚集了香港创新要素,推介创新创业成果。同时,为迎接即将施行的“港车北上”政策,不少香港车主通过特殊申报的方式自驾来到本届车展“先行示范”。不少澳门车主也通过已实施的“澳车北上”政策自驾来到本届车展,汇聚亮相粤港澳大湾区车展现场的“港/澳车北上-先行展示区”,呈现“粤港澳一体,大湾区共融One Bay, Greater Bay”的活动主题。




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